Sabtu, 13 Februari 2010

Speech about Abortion

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
His Excellency to Headmaster
Our Excellent to All of Teacher and school staffs
And My Loving Friends.
First of all, All thanks to the one supreme God because of the blessing we can attend in this special meeting and gather in this place today.
Peace be upon the one after whom no prophet shall ever come who has lead to the way of peace.
At this moment let me explain my speech about “ The Danger of Abortion and The Impact to the next generation”
We know that Abortion is a medical procedure to terminate pregenancy. Why do so many people push the issue aside as if it were a piece of junk? We live in a world, a society so corrupt that to kill the innocent, the unborn is just another part of the day.

Any person in the modern society can tell you that as soon as the TV is switched on u are almost bound to find explicit scenes of a sexual nature. As more n more teens are inclined by the peers and the media to have sex the tendency to have sex also inclines. Nowadays it seems the typical decision would be to have an abortion: either partial birth or a full term. Modern society has condoned this inhuman act to be normal. What people don’t seem to realize is that their killing an innocent human being? Yes no matter what u belief, no matter what you like to say, what the woman is holding in her womb is a human being!
But what if the girl is raped you ask? There are many positions on this section on abortion. Just because the girl is raped and impregnated does not give her the right to kill the unborn child. No… she probably did not wish to become pregnant and no she definitely did not want to be raped but killing the unborn child is still a murder. She’s killing an unborn child whether she wants to admit or not. Sadly many people do not seem to comprehend the seriousness of this.

Abortion is truly just another name for murder. Why do people do not see it as such? Because no guns or knives are used. In partial birth abortion the woman is forced into labor and once the baby is out, it is stabbed in the back of the head with a pair of scissors. Its brains are then sucked out from the back of the head. And yes babies do feel pain. Asking a question so insane and ridiculous.
Well why is abortion such an issue you may wonder? Because someone out there may be killing the next Einstein. Maybe even the next Shakespeare. Were the unborn foetuses human? Of course. The same goes with abortion the baby has done no harm to anyone will make a problem.That’s why? Abortion tried to mutilate bodies of the victims are thrown into dumpsters like pieces of rotten meat. While these victims lay waiting in the infested dumpsters to be hauled off to a landfill, the murderers are in their offices waiting for their next patient.

We really know,that many reasons to do that,actually it’s so complicated.That’s why,because there are still parent less of protect their daughter.Have a boyfriend,make them feel so happy.Sometimes,They will do everything to stay with their boyfriend.Have sex before married be a pieces of their life.Perhaps,they must do it,because none allow them.Maybe it’s the best damn thing for somepeople.But from my mind,it’s really bad thing to do.
Finally,I can conclude all about it.Abortion is so danger.especially for the girl because it can kill many child and one of the worst impact is cancer cervics.Exactly,you don’t want to get cancer,right.From now I just want to say that DON’T DO SEX BEFORE MARRIED,and STOP ABORTION.Just PROTECT YOUR SELF TO MAKE A MAXIMUM RESULT TO YOUR FUTURE.GET YOUR GOOD DAY FROM YOURS.
Maybe that’s all my speech.If I have mistake,please forgive me.Because no body is perfect in this world.Thank you for your attention.
Wabillahitaufik Walhidayah.Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Minggu, 29 November 2009

Ciri Cowok Yyang Baik

Gimana sie....Kalo cowok itu baik atau nggak???
Selengkapnya baca di sini:

1.Diajak bicara nggak nyeleneh
2.Kalo kita sedang samaan ama dia,dia menahan pandangan alias nggak tepe
3.Mengerti sikon kita,baek saat down atau brilliant
4.Nggak pernah punya mind negatif tentang kita
5.Ada disaat kita susah dan senang dan mau jadi sahabat dan teman sharing
5.Ngelucon and seneng ngibur kita
6.Saat dibutuhin dia berusaha untuk ada,meski kita nggak maksa dia
7.Nggak pernah punya niat buat ngerusak kita
8.Nggak Jaim and cemburu-an
9.Mau nunggu kita berjam-jam di salon,meski bagi dia mungkin ngeboring-in abis,and the last
10.Selalu merasa bahwa dia adalah sahabatmu dan pengertiannya sebagai seorang sahabat dan saudara,bukan pacar,coz pacar itu bisa saja menjadi musuh pada akhir hubungan kalian.Pastiin setiap dia ama kamu Ia selalu mengucapkan Innani ma Allah.

Cara Cepat mengatasi Diri saat Tenggelam

Heeee.....heee....berawal dari kejadian masa lalu...gua mau ngaasi trik biar nggak kehabisan Oksi saat tenggelemm...:
1.Ketika badan sudah tidak bisa terkontrol..alias panic..jangan melakukan gerakan dalam air
2.Tenang,take a breath..biarin badan kamu mmelayang,,,
3.kalau rada-rada susah,,terutama bagi penderita Atsma,ehmmmm,,,,siap-siap melakukan latihan pernafasan dalam air
4.Jangan pernah melakukan goyangan badan sementara kamu dalam proses menuju tepi
5.Setelah sampai tepi leherkamuu ditekan/dipijit agar sisa-sisa air bisa keluar last,berjalanlah keliling jikalau kau asih sanggup..

HHeeee..selamat mencoba

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Manfaat Buah-buahan

Seneng Banget tadi tuh gue liburan ama temen-temen gue ke kebun salah seorang temen kami NAna...Kami banyak ngedone sesuatu...panen manggislah,rambutan,mangga,ikan bahkan delima.Pokoknya Pooll,gue banyak buanget dapet metik Manggis,mana ampe kenyang neh peyut...Damn! tapi Its okay...asyik bo???
Apalagi tiba-tiba temen gue ngajakin ke hums nya buat ambil buah Naga hasil panenan Kakeknya...Tambah seneng doung gue...Makan buah langka kayak gitu yang penuh dengan vitamin buat kesahatan tubuh.
Ehem....To the point ajah yah???
Adapun Manfaat dari buah-buahan yang tadi gue sebutin a.l:
1.Menambah asupan vitamin C ke dal;am tubuh
2.Mencegah terjadinya Skorbust(gusi berdarah)
3.Memberikan pertahanan tubuh terhadap penyakit
4.Melancarkan BAB
5.Menambah serat
6.Memudahkan dalam bekerja alias ketahanan tubuh selalu sehat
7.Terutama buah naga dapat mencegah timbulnya kanker

So.....Enjoy it

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Lyric lagu Masihku Mencintaimu

Masihku Mencintaimu

by : The dreamer

Masih saja ku mencintaimu
Selalu saja tak lupu perasaan itu
Kucoba tuk bertindak,kucoba tuk berpaling
Tapi kutak mampu bertahan

Oh sayangku......... dengar aku,pahami maksud hatiku,
Terimalah diriku,agar kubisa mencintai dirimu

Masih saja ku terbayang masa lalu
teringat saat kita berdua bersama
Kucoba tuk lupakan,kucoba tuk menghilang
tapi ku tak bisa redupkan

Oh Sayangku....dengar aku,pahami maksud hatiku,
Terimalah diriku,agar ku bisa mencintai dirimu

Oh sayangku maafkan aku,yang telah buat kau terluka,
karna hilafku padamu

Welcome to My Simple Life

Welcome to my blog!
I wanna begin from standart:From the essential thing???
-I always give smile to everyone who has give me support especially my friend
-Dreaming without stop to be a good be my self
-Simply thing can be a big things if u give some suggestion a 1st
-Insecure can be secure...without discuss
-Nightmares be a daydreams if i let it develope
-Bestfriend is a good person when i got a problem
-Have been reading some book until i remember it my X-boy when he did bad things to me...Sucks
-Writing pieces of me
-Browsing and Blogger my hobby
-Understand everything
-Band?Sometimes if i have moretime @ home to provide my hobby when i got an idea while i was watching concert
-Pray @ night...
-Study hard..and always satisfied although i got depressed
-Hangout with my friend
-Draw Grafitti...............
I need a lot of things that give me inspiration....

Perkembangan Alat Telekomunikasi

Telekomunikasi adalah sebuah alat di mana penggunanya diminta untuk melakukan komunikasi dua arah atau lebih melalui sebuah perantara agar memudahkan dalam pemahaman bahasa tubuh yang ingin di sampaikan oleh orang lain.
Perkembangan Telekomunikasi ini pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Alexander Graham Bell lewat penemuannya yaitu Telepon.Awalnya telepon tersebut digunakan pada waktu dan tempat yang sangat terbatas.Namun,selanjutnya banyak perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi,termasuk lebih lancarnya penggunaan telepon seluler yang menggunakan satelit sebagai media transmisinya.Ini dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan kita dalam komunikasi jarak jauh tanpa mengenal batasan tempat atau pun waktu.
Selanjutnya,Perkembangan telekomunikasi tidak hanya sebatas media itu saja,malah tiap tahun terus berkembang alat telekomunikasi yang baru dengan ditambah fitur-fitur yang menarik,bukan hanya sebagai alat kmunikasi saja malahan kini digunakan sebagai media hiburan.
Untuk itu,perkembangan alat telekomunikasi di dunia terus memberikan inovasi-inovasi baru dalam penyajiannya.Sehingga,bagi para konsumen penggila alat telekomunikasi tak perlu resah,sudah banyak sekarang berkembang alat komunikasi baru yang semakin canggih saja.Oups,tapi jangan lupa untuk membeli barang trsebut perlu juga menyiapkan budget yang lumayan lah.Heeee tak ada salahnya kan mencoba?Silakan.....